Sunday, September 6, 2009

So close to 30lb mark!!

I am 1.6lbs away from the 30lb mark. Wow, that doesn't even seem real to type it or say it out loud. Who knew I could get this far and still feel like continuing this process.

I have really enjoyed getting to know the skinnier me. I am more confident. I enjoy photo's being taken of me and shopping for clothes. Things I used to avoid. I went shopping today for no particular reason and tried on a few things. The reason I didn't purchase is because I wasn't in love with them rather than them just not fitting. Weird.

I get a ton of motivation from posting my weight loss success and challenges on my Facebook page. There are so many people keeping track of me that I can't stop. I think I have about 20 more pounds to go, but will not be holding myself to a number. I'd like to look HOT in a 2 piece bathing suit.

If you are on a simular journey I encourage you to continue to your goal and beyond. I know you can do it!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Its been awhile

Dear Blog,

I have missed you and neglected writing here. I am now down 20lbs even and just looking back at my original posts is really interesting to see where I have come from.

Each week I weigh in and attend the WW meetings which are very inspiring, motivating and keep me on track. I also post on my Face Book page where many people follow my progress. I have posted pictures and information about my success. There is so much support from everyone there.

This weekend my in-laws are coming and it will be good to see them and see their impression of the new me. I probably want to lose about 26 more pounds to be at goal.

Not much to say today, but wanted to start back blogging.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Week 4 Progress Report

Today marks the end of my 4th week on Weight Watchers. I made it to the early meeting late because I thought for some reason it was 7:30AM, but it was 7AM. Ugh! Oh well, I really like the early group on Saturday and came in right at awards. I won't make that mistake again.

Surprisingly I lost 1.2lbs and bypassed my 5 lb goal marker. Yeah me! I am so proud of myself and got emotional while getting my 5 lb star. This really means a lot to me and now I am down 5.8 lbs total. This means I have 35-40lbs to go.

I look forward to a new week ahead with its own set of challenges. My parents are coming in for a visit and it will be a busy week as usual.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

4.6lbs Gone FOREVER

I decided to start a blog to journel publically about my weight loss journey. I've never been a "dieter" really, but have never in my adult life been at a healthy weight. Just a little over 3 weeks ago I joined Weight Watchers because so many others have been successful, for life, on this program. After joining I found even more people I knew had been a member of WW and I would have never known because they are still at goal weight. How cool is that!

I started out joining WW at 171.2lbs on a 5ft 1 in. frame. WOW, I just posted my weight to the world and I am not ashamed. I am so proud of myself for sticking with it for going on 4 weeks and down 4.6lbs. That is weight I will NEVER see again, bye bye poundage.

If you are someone who knows me you know if there is something I believe in I almost never shut up about it. I have pretty much told everyone I work with I am on WW and the progress I have made. I hope it brings encouragement to others to reach for whatever goals they have as well as remind me to stick to mine. Little by little they will see me shrinking daily since I am at work more than anywhere else in my life. For those who will only see me every now and again they will see it more and for those who only see me once a year....yikes will they notice!

I hope to have a picture posted soon to document my progress not only by words, but by images. If you stumble upon this blog I hope this gives you encouragement to reach for whatever your goals are and never think they are too far off.

Did I mention I want to lose 40 to 50lbs?! Stay tuned....